• Inoar Vegan with olive oil and coconut oil hair mask 500 gr

    The Inoar Vegan family set is formulated with virgin vegetable oils, coconut oil, and olive oils that penetrate deep into the hair fiber, taking care of the hair with maximum performance and respect for the animals.

    – It penetrates the hair fiber and returns to the strands of its natural hydration.
    – Stops hair loss issues.
    – Heals damaged hair strands, reduces frizz, and returns the strength to the hair which makes the hair much healthier and plus helps it to grow the hair.

    Main ingredients:
    Vitamin E, Biotin, Castor Oil, Olive oil, Argan Oil, Sweet Almond Oil, Coconut Oil, and Aloe Vera.

    Kit is composed of :
    Hair Mask 500 g

    Other information:
    Vegan 100%
    Botanic 100%

    Inoar Vegan Umectação مجموعه
    من زيوت الخضروات البكر وزيت جوز الهند وزيوت الزيتون التي تخترق ألياف الشعر ، وتهتم بالشعر بأقصى قدر ، غير مصنع من الحيوانات

    :الفوائد الرئيسية
    تخترق ألياف الشعر وترجعه إلى الخيوط الطبيعية – توقف تساقط الشعر. – تشفي خيوط الشعر التالفة ، يقلل من تجعد الشعر ويعيد القوة إلى الشعر مما يجعل الشعر أكثر صحة ويساعد على نمو الشعر

    :المكونات الرئيسية
    فيتامين E. البيوتين. زيت الخروع. زيت الزيتون. زيت عضوي. زيت اللوز الحلو. زيت جوز الهند. الألوة فيرا


    AED 125AED 183
  • Inoar Botanic with castor oil and macadamia oil shampoo 300 ml ( hair growth and strengthens strands)

    Having long hair is a dream of many women but the problem is to keep it strong and healthy for longer, isn’t it? The new Inoar Botanic line is here to help you to achieve this dream!
    The line has powerful castor oil in the formulation which is responsible for helping to give that strength to hair growth in addition to keep it beautiful and healthy!

    Castor oil is a natural ingredient with antioxidant properties and it is rich in linoleic acid, omega 6 and omega 9, vitamin E, and minerals. Fatty acid glycerol is a very good component for nourishing hair follicles.

    To give you an idea the outer layer of the hair shaft is covered by structures that look like scales, in fact, it is the cuticles that when they are damaged , dull and full of frizz.

    All types of hair.

    Shampoo 300 ml

    Castor Oil and Macadamia Oil

    1. Solves hair loss issues
    2. Moisturizes dry hair
    3. Extreme growth to the hair
    4. Gives plenty of shine to the hair
    5. It has cumulative effects

    Paraben free,

    AED 125AED 192
  • Inoar Botanic with castor oil and macadamia oil conditioner 300 ml ( hair growth and strengthens strands )

    Having long hair is a dream of many women but the problem is to keep it strong and healthy for longer, isn’t it? The new Inoar Botanic line is here to help you to achieve this dream!
    The line has powerful castor oil in the formulation which is responsible for helping to give that strength to hair growth in addition to keep it beautiful and healthy!

    Castor oil is a natural ingredient with antioxidant properties and it is rich in linoleic acid, omega 6 and omega 9, vitamin E, and minerals. Fatty acid glycerol is a very good component for nourishing hair follicles.

    To give you an idea the outer layer of the hair shaft is covered by structures that look like scales, in fact, it is the cuticles that when they are damaged , dull and full of frizz.

    All types of hair.

    Conditioner 300 ml

    Castor Oil and Macadamia Oil

    1. Solves hair loss issues
    2. Moisturizes dry hair
    3. Extreme growth to the hair
    4. Gives plenty of shine to the hair
    5. It has cumulative effects

    Paraben free,

    AED 125AED 192
  • Locoblanco immediately W face cream

    Locoblanco immediately W face cream 50 gr.

    Main ingredients:
    – Niacinamide
    – Hyaluronic acid
    – Hibiscus Sabdariffa Flower water – Jade extract.

    Manufacturer :
    Life Together CO., LTD

    Manufacture’s Country :
    Republic of Korea.

    AED 125AED 155
  • Inoar Cicatrifios instant hair plastic treatment shampoo 500 ml

    Cicatrifios family line is an evolution in hair treatment that offers countless benefits to absolutely renew the hair fibers every day.

    Its formula is enriched with RejuComplex3 renews and softens the hair, solves hair loss issues, reduces the breakage and frizziness of the hair, and offers a progressive reduction of volume for sealed hair, with extreme shine, with easy combing and long-lasting effects.

    All hair types.

    Cicatrifios line contains:
    1.Shampoo 500 ml.

    Main assets:
    – Rejucomplex3,
    – Argan Oil.

    Other information:
    vegan 100%
    sulfate free

    AED 129AED 156
  • Inoar Cicatrifios instant hair plastic treatment conditioner 500 ml

    Cicatrifios family line is an evolution in hair treatment that offers countless benefits to absolutely renew the hair fibers every day.

    Its formula is enriched with RejuComplex3 renews and softens the hair, solves hair loss issues, reduces the breakage and frizziness of the hair, and offers a progressive reduction of volume for sealed hair, with extreme shine, with easy combing and long-lasting effects.

    All hair types.

    Cicatrifios line contains:
    Conditioner 500 ml.

    Main assets:
    – Rejucomplex3,
    – Argan Oil.

    Other information:
    vegan 100%
    sulfate free

    AED 129AED 156
  • Inoar Botanic hair line specially formulated to strengthen & improve hair growth mask 500 gr

    Having long hair is a dream of many women but the problem is to keep it strong and healthy for longer, isn’t it? The new Inoar Botanic line is here to help you to achieve this dream!
    The line has powerful castor oil in the formulation which is responsible for helping to give that strength to hair growth in addition to keep it beautiful and healthy!

    Castor oil is a natural ingredient with antioxidant properties and it is rich in linoleic acid, omega 6 and omega 9, vitamin E, and minerals. Fatty acid glycerol is a very good component for nourishing hair follicles.

    To give you an idea the outer layer of the hair shaft is covered by structures that look like scales, in fact, it is the cuticles that when they are damaged , dull and full of frizz.

    All types of hair.

    Hair mask 500 gr

    Castor Oil and Macadamia Oil

    1. Solves hair loss issues
    2. Moisturizes dry hair
    3. Extreme growth to the hair
    4. Gives plenty of shine to the hair
    5. It has cumulative effects

    Paraben free,

    AED 130AED 211
  • Inoar Pos Progress Balanced pH post straightening treatment care conditioner 250 ml

    Hair treated with volume reducing brushes looks beautiful but needs special care. With that in mind, Inoar developed the POS Progress line. The darling of professionals and women who want to keep results much longer. With a smooth and moisturizing formula, POS Progress maintains the health and natural softness of the hair, keeping the closed cuticles and splendid hair until the next visit to the salon.

    – Gently cleans hair.
    – Removes impurities without drying out.
    – It helps to keep hair straight and shiny longer without the frizz.
    – Detangles and moisturizes the hair without leaving heavy or oily hair.
    – Recovers the damaged hair strands by chemistry and D-Panthenol.
    – Reduces the formation of split ends.

    -Conditioner 250ML

    Main ingredients :
    -Rosemary extract Beyond stimulating hair growth, rosemary essential oil is used to prevent premature graying and dandruff. It may also help dry or itchy scalp.
    – Keratin extract. Keratin is a protein that helps form hair, nails and your skin’s outer layer (epidermis). It helps support your skin, heal wounds and keep your nails and hair healthy.

    Other informations: – Vegan 100% – Botanic 100% – Sulfate free – No Poo Co Wash – Cruelty free.

  • Inoar virgin coconut oil 200 ml

    The Inoar Virgin Coconut Oil brings the best of the coconut pulp to the health of your hair. Due to its composition, it has great capacity of penetration, both in hair fiber, the scalp and in the skin. Therefore, it can be used in various ways to care for the hair and body. hydration, massages, as finisher or leave-in.

    Coconut virgin oil 200 ml

    Other informations:
    – Vegan
    – Botanic
    – Cruelty free

    يوفر زيت جوز الهند البكر من Inoar أفضل لب جوز الهند لصحة الشعر ، حيث يتمتع بقدرة كبيرة على اختراق ألياف الشعر وفروة الرأس.

    توصية: زيت جوز الهند البكر Inoar هو لجميع أنواع الشعر والجلد. 1. للشعر يمكن استخدامه للترطيب والتدليك ، كمادة نهائية أو يترك. 2. يمكن استخدامه للبشرة كمشد بشد مرطب وكقاعدة تحت المكياج.

    المكونات الرئيسية:

    200 مل من زيت جوز الهند. الأصول الرئيسية: زيت جوز الهند البكر. معلومات أخرى: نباتي ، خال من القسوة.

    AED 134AED 210
  • Liso Mejico spray

    For natural or chemically treated hair, for chemically transformed hair Inoar Liso Mágico has been developed in a vegetable formula which is based on jasmine extract, which moisturizes and removes frizz and straightens hair strands naturally.
    This magical thermo heat-spray gives you discipline, styling and shine to hair strands with 15 benefits.

    1 – vegetarian 2 – vegan 3 – hydration 4 – brightness 5 – thermal protection 6 – without pigments 7 – without paraben 8 – seal 9 – curly scratch 10 – healing split. 11 – Nourishes 12 – Long-lasting series 13 – Moisture protection 14 – Restores 15-Softness

    Main ingredients:
    Smooth magic thermal activated liquid spray. The main assets: 1. Pillars. 2. Jasmine extract. Other information: vegetarian, free cruelty.

    بالنسبة للشعر الطبيعي أو المعالج كيميائياً ، طورت Inoar Liso Mágico ، بتركيبة نباتية ، تعتمد على خلاصة الياسمين ، التي ترطب وتزيل الشعر المجعد وتقوِّم خيوط الشعر بشكل طبيعي.
    يمنحك هذا الرذاذ السحري الناعم بالحرارة الانضباط والتصميم واللمعان إلى خيوط الشعر مع 15 فوائد.

    1 – نباتي 2 – نباتي 3 – الترطيب 4 – السطوع 5 – الحماية الحرارية 6 – بدون أصباغ 7 – بدون البارابين 8 – الختم 9 – الصفر المجعد 10 – شفاء الانقسام. 11 – يغذي 12 – سلسة تدوم طويلاً 13 – حماية ضد الرطوبة 14 – يعيد 15 – ليونة

    المكونات الرئيسية:

    سحر السلس الحرارية المنشط رذاذ السائل. الأصول الرئيسية: 1. أركان. 2. استخراج الياسمين. معلومات أخرى: نباتي ، القسوة الحرة.

  • Inoar Doctor Reconstruction Set (3 Products)

    Inoar Doctor line is for all types of hair which nourishes, hydrates and rebuilds the hair fibers daily.

    Inoar Doctor
    مخصص لجميع أنواع الشعر الذي يغذيه ويرطبه ويعيد بناء ألياف الشعر يوميًا

    Restores hair fiber and improves hair growth, reduces frizz, effectively moisturizes, recovers radiance and soft touch. Gives balance to the oily or dry scalp and removes dandruff of the hair.

    يستعيد ألياف الشعر ويحسن من نموه ، ويقلل من تجعده ، ويرطب بفعالية ، ويستعيد اللمعان والملمس الناعم
    و يمنح التوازن لفروة الرأس الدهنية أو الجافة ويزيل قشرة الشعر

    Main ingredients:
    Ceramide, Rosemary extract, Cocoa Butter, Murumuru butter, wheat germ extract, and vitamin B5.

    المكونات الرئيسية
    يتكون من: سيراميد ، مستخلص إكليل الجبل ، زبدة الكاكاو ، زبدة المومورو ، مستخلص جرثومة القمح وفيتامين ب 5

    AED 144AED 250

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