• Inoar Blends Duo Kit 1000ml (2 Products)

    Professional size kit for dry hair.  Inoar Kit Blends Duo Collection moisturizes the hair to restore suppleness, with a lot of shine and softness.

    Inoar Kit Blends Duo Collection تعمل مجموعة
    على ترطيب الشعر لاستعادة ليونته مع الكثير من اللمعان والنعومة


    Inoar Blends Duo Collection Kit treats the threads during your daily personal care routine.  Thus, it can restore the healthy and beautiful appearance of the hair while protecting it from dryness and external aggressions.

    Inoar Blends Duo Collection Kit الفوائد: يعالج
    الخيوط أثناء روتين العناية الشخصية اليومية. وبالتالي ، فإنه يمكن استعادة المظهر الصحي والجمال للشعر مع حمايته من الجفاف والعوامل الخارجية

    Main ingredients:
    Vitamin C, Coconut, Avocado, and Argan Oils: Rich in fatty acids, amino acids, and antioxidant actives, they moisturize deeply to provide intense shine, softness, and suppleness.

    :المكونات الرئيسية
      C زيوت فيتامين
    وجوز الهند والأفوكادو والأركان: غنية بالأحماض الدهنية والأحماض الأمينية والعناصر المضادة للأكسدة ، ترطب بعمق لتوفير لمعان شديد ونعومة وليونة 

    AED 352AED 390
  • Inoar Blends Mask

    Blends Collection was developed from a vitamin C complex with a blend of botanical and vegan oils, especially for dry hair. A combination of coconut oils (vitamin E and fatty acids), avocado (vitamins A, B, D, and amino acids) and argan (antioxidant, rich in omega-6) that penetrates deeply into the hair and offers high hydration, intense shine, softness, and malleability.
    Recondition: Dry hair.
    Main assets:
    Vitamin C, Coconut oil, Avocado Oil, and Argan Oil.
    Other information:
    Vegan, Cruelty-Free.


    تم تطوير Blends Collection من مجمع فيتامين C مع مزيج من الزيوت النباتية والنباتية ، خاصة للشعر الجاف. مزيج من زيوت جوز الهند (فيتامين E   والأحماض الدهنية) والأفوكادو (فيتامينات A و B و D وأحماض أمينية) وأركان (مضاد للأكسدة ، غني بأوميجا 6) يخترق الشعر بعمق ويوفر ترطيبًا شديدًا وتألقًا مكثفًا ، ليونة وسهولة الحركة.
    التجديد: الشعر الجاف
    .الأصول الرئيسية
    فيتامين C وزيت جوز الهند وزيت الأفوكادو وزيت الأركان.
    معلومات أخرى
    نباتي ، القسوة الحرة

    AED 196AED 252

    Inoar Blends Mask

    AED 196AED 252
  • Inoar Blends vitamin C leave – in cream 300 ml

    Blends Collection was developed from a vitamin C complex with a blend of botanical and vegan oils, especially for dry hair. A combination of coconut oils (vitamin E and fatty acids), avocado (vitamins A, B, D, and amino acids) and argan (antioxidant, rich in omega-6) that penetrates deeply into the hair and offers high hydration, intense shine, softness, and malleability.

    Dry hair
    Hair leave-in cream 300 ml

    Main assets:
    Vitamin C, Coconut oil, Avocado Oil, and Argan Oil.

    Other information:
    Vegan, Cruelty-Free.


    تم تطوير Blends Collection من مجمع فيتامين C مع مزيج من الزيوت النباتية والنباتية ، خاصة للشعر الجاف. مزيج من زيوت جوز الهند (فيتامين E   والأحماض الدهنية) والأفوكادو (فيتامينات A و B و D وأحماض أمينية) وأركان (مضاد للأكسدة ، غني بأوميجا 6) يخترق الشعر بعمق ويوفر ترطيبًا شديدًا وتألقًا مكثفًا ، ليونة وسهولة الحركة.
    التجديد: الشعر الجاف
    .الأصول الرئيسية
    فيتامين C وزيت جوز الهند وزيت الأفوكادو وزيت الأركان.
    معلومات أخرى
    نباتي ، القسوة الحرة

    AED 70AED 195
  • Inoar Botanic hair line specially formulated to strengthen & improve hair growth mask 500 gr

    Having long hair is a dream of many women but the problem is to keep it strong and healthy for longer, isn’t it? The new Inoar Botanic line is here to help you to achieve this dream!
    The line has powerful castor oil in the formulation which is responsible for helping to give that strength to hair growth in addition to keep it beautiful and healthy!

    Castor oil is a natural ingredient with antioxidant properties and it is rich in linoleic acid, omega 6 and omega 9, vitamin E, and minerals. Fatty acid glycerol is a very good component for nourishing hair follicles.

    To give you an idea the outer layer of the hair shaft is covered by structures that look like scales, in fact, it is the cuticles that when they are damaged , dull and full of frizz.

    All types of hair.

    Hair mask 500 gr

    Castor Oil and Macadamia Oil

    1. Solves hair loss issues
    2. Moisturizes dry hair
    3. Extreme growth to the hair
    4. Gives plenty of shine to the hair
    5. It has cumulative effects

    Paraben free,

    AED 130AED 211
  • Inoar Botanic with castor oil and macadamia oil ( hair growth oil ) 30 ml

    Having long hair is a dream of many women but the problem is to keep it strong and healthy for longer, isn’t it? The new Inoar Botanic line is here to help you to achieve this dream!
    The line has powerful castor oil in the formulation which is responsible for helping to give that strength to hair growth in addition to keep it beautiful and healthy!

    Castor oil is a natural ingredient with antioxidant properties and it is rich in linoleic acid, omega 6 and omega 9, vitamin E, and minerals. Fatty acid glycerol is a very good component for nourishing hair follicles.

    To give you an idea the outer layer of the hair shaft is covered by structures that look like scales, in fact, it is the cuticles that when they are damaged , dull and full of frizz.

    All types of hair.

    Castor oil 30 ml

    Castor Oil and Macadamia Oil

    1. Solves hair loss issues
    2. Moisturizes dry hair
    3. Extreme growth to the hair
    4. Gives plenty of shine to the hair
    5. It has cumulative effects

    Paraben free,

    AED 70AED 215
  • Inoar Botanic with castor oil and macadamia oil conditioner 300 ml ( hair growth and strengthens strands )

    Having long hair is a dream of many women but the problem is to keep it strong and healthy for longer, isn’t it? The new Inoar Botanic line is here to help you to achieve this dream!
    The line has powerful castor oil in the formulation which is responsible for helping to give that strength to hair growth in addition to keep it beautiful and healthy!

    Castor oil is a natural ingredient with antioxidant properties and it is rich in linoleic acid, omega 6 and omega 9, vitamin E, and minerals. Fatty acid glycerol is a very good component for nourishing hair follicles.

    To give you an idea the outer layer of the hair shaft is covered by structures that look like scales, in fact, it is the cuticles that when they are damaged , dull and full of frizz.

    All types of hair.

    Conditioner 300 ml

    Castor Oil and Macadamia Oil

    1. Solves hair loss issues
    2. Moisturizes dry hair
    3. Extreme growth to the hair
    4. Gives plenty of shine to the hair
    5. It has cumulative effects

    Paraben free,

    AED 125AED 192
  • Inoar Botanic with castor oil and macadamia oil duo kit ( hair growth and strengths strands )

    Having long hair is a dream of many women but the problem is to keep it strong and healthy for longer, isn’t it? The new Inoar Botanic line is here to help you to achieve this dream!
    The line has powerful castor oil in the formulation which is responsible for helping to give that strength to hair growth in addition to keep it beautiful and healthy!

    Castor oil is a natural ingredient with antioxidant properties and it is rich in linoleic acid, omega 6 and omega 9, vitamin E, and minerals. Fatty acid glycerol is a very good component for nourishing hair follicles.

    To give you an idea the outer layer of the hair shaft is covered by structures that look like scales, in fact, it is the cuticles that when they are damaged , dull and full of frizz.

    All types of hair.

    1. Shampoo 300 ml
    2. Conditioner 300 ml

    Castor Oil and Macadamia Oil

    1. Solves hair loss issues
    2. Moisturizes dry hair
    3. Extreme growth to the hair
    4. Gives plenty of shine to the hair
    5. It has cumulative effects

    Paraben free,

    AED 250AED 384
  • Inoar Botanic with castor oil and macadamia oil family kit (4 Products)

    Having long hair is a dream of many women but the problem is to keep it strong and healthy for longer, isn’t it? The new Inoar Botanic line is here to help you to achieve this dream!
    The line has powerful castor oil in the formulation which is responsible for helping to give that strength to hair growth in addition to keeping it beautiful and healthy!

    Castor oil is a natural ingredient with antioxidant properties and it is rich in linoleic acid, omega 6 and omega 9, vitamin E, and minerals. Fatty acid glycerol is a very good component for nourishing hair follicles.

    To give you an idea the outer layer of the hair shaft is covered by structures that look like scales, in fact, it is the cuticles that when they are damaged , dull and full of frizz.

    All types of hair.

    1. Shampoo 300 ml
    2. Conditioner 300 ml
    3. Mask 500 gr
    4. Castor oil 30 ml

    Castor Oil and Macadamia Oil

    1. Solves hair loss issues
    2. Moisturizes dry hair
    3. Extreme growth to the hair
    4. Gives plenty of shine to the hair
    5. It has cumulative effects

    Paraben free,

    AED 450AED 810
  • Inoar Botanic with castor oil and macadamia oil kit 3 products ( hair growth and strengthens strands )

    Having long hair is a dream of many women but the problem is to keep it strong and healthy for longer, isn’t it? The new Inoar Botanic line is here to help you to achieve this dream!
    The line has powerful castor oil in the formulation which is responsible for helping to give that strength to hair growth in addition to keep it beautiful and healthy!

    Castor oil is a natural ingredient with antioxidant properties and it is rich in linoleic acid, omega 6 and omega 9, vitamin E, and minerals. Fatty acid glycerol is a very good component for nourishing hair follicles.

    To give you an idea the outer layer of the hair shaft is covered by structures that look like scales, in fact, it is the cuticles that when they are damaged , dull and full of frizz.

    All types of hair.

    1. Shampoo 300 ml
    2. Conditioner 300 ml
    3. Mask 500 gr

    Castor Oil and Macadamia Oil

    1. Solves hair loss issues
    2. Moisturizes dry hair
    3. Extreme growth to the hair
    4. Gives plenty of shine to the hair
    5. It has cumulative effects

    Paraben free,

    AED 241AED 670
  • Inoar Botanic with castor oil and macadamia oil shampoo 300 ml ( hair growth and strengthens strands)

    Having long hair is a dream of many women but the problem is to keep it strong and healthy for longer, isn’t it? The new Inoar Botanic line is here to help you to achieve this dream!
    The line has powerful castor oil in the formulation which is responsible for helping to give that strength to hair growth in addition to keep it beautiful and healthy!

    Castor oil is a natural ingredient with antioxidant properties and it is rich in linoleic acid, omega 6 and omega 9, vitamin E, and minerals. Fatty acid glycerol is a very good component for nourishing hair follicles.

    To give you an idea the outer layer of the hair shaft is covered by structures that look like scales, in fact, it is the cuticles that when they are damaged , dull and full of frizz.

    All types of hair.

    Shampoo 300 ml

    Castor Oil and Macadamia Oil

    1. Solves hair loss issues
    2. Moisturizes dry hair
    3. Extreme growth to the hair
    4. Gives plenty of shine to the hair
    5. It has cumulative effects

    Paraben free,

    AED 125AED 192
  • Inoar BotoHair smoothing system kit 1L size ( 3 products)

    Inoar-Botohair collagen straightening treatment kit is designed to treat and strengthen the thin curly wavy colored and damaged hair.
    It contains active agents that replenish the keratin and seal the hair strands.

    The treatment reduces the volume by up to 30% for Afro Curly hair and it straightens 70 % thin curly and wavy hair. And plus it realigns the tresses without changing the natural composition of the hair. As a result, your hair will be more defined and shinier.

    Composition :
    1. Inoar Botohair cleansing shampoo 1 L step 1
    2. Inoar Botohair Collagen 1 L step 2
    3. Inoar Botohair keratin treatment mask 1 L step 3

    There are no bad side effects after the treatment like :
    1. Hair dryness
    2. Dandruff.
    3. Hair breaks.
    4. Hair loss issues.

    Your hair deserves to select the smart way to transform your hair through healthy way.

    All our Inoar Professional products are tested in Dubai Central Laboratory and Certified by Dubai Municipality.c

    إنوار بوتوهير لعلاج الاستقامة

    تم تصميم مجموعة علاجات Inoar-Botohair لعلاج وتقوية الشعر المجعد الرفيع الملون والمجعد.
    أنه يحتوي على عوامل نشطة تغذي الكيراتين وخيوط الشعر. يقلل العلاج من حجم الشعر بنسبة تصل إلى 30٪ في شعر الأفرو مجعد ، كما يعمل على تسوية الشعر المجعد الرفيع بنسبة 100٪. بالإضافة إلى أنه يعيد ضبط الخواص دون تغيير التكوين الطبيعي للشعر. نتيجة لذلك ، سيكون شعرك أكثر تحديدًا ولامعا .

    تكوين :
    1. إينوار بوتوهير الشامبو 1 لتر حجم الخطوة 1.
    ‏ 2. Inoar Botohair الكولاجين 1 لتر حجم الخطوة 2.
    3. إينوار بوتوهير قناع علاج بالكيراتين 1 لتر حجم الخطوة 3.

    لا توجد آثار جانبية سيئة بعد العلاج مثل: 1. جفاف الشعر
    2. قشرة الرأس.
    3. فواصل الشعر.
    4. قضايا تساقط الشعر. يستحق شعرك اختيار الطريقة الذكية لتحويل شعرك من خلال طريقة صحية. يتم اختبار جميع منتجاتنا Inoar Professional في مختبر دبي المركزي ومعتمدة من بلدية دبي.

    AED 880AED 980
  • Inoar Brazilian Afro keratin smoothing system 400 ml ( 0% formaldehyde)

    The Inoar Brazilian 400ml Afro Keratin Hair Treatment is a powerful volume reduction in just one second.
    • Step 1
    – Wash hair 2 to 3 times with deep cleansing shampoo, dry hair.
    • Step 2:
    – Apply the anti-frizz treatment to thin strands with a brush, starting at the roots while leaving.
    – Distribute throughout the hair with a thin comb.
    – Leave to rest for 30 to 40 minutes up to 1 hour ( depends on hair structure)
    – Blow dry hair 100%.
    – Divide hair into 4 parts and flat iron 7 to 10 times ( depends on hair structure) in thin sections (ideal iron temp: 400 °F). – – Rinse thoroughly and style as desired.

    1. Virgin curly & wavy hair 100%
    2. Chemically treated hair 30-60% straight
    3. Intensive hair growth
    4. Stops hair loss issues right after treatment
    5. Straight healthy silky and shiny hair.

    Glycine soja oil, alanine, arginine, aspartic acid , wheat protein , hydrolyzed keratin , hydrolyzed collagen, olive oil , coconut oil , glycolic acid , malonic acid , salicylic acid ,glyoxylic acid and acetic acid.

    Other information:
    – 0% formaldehyde
    – vegan 100%
    – cruelty-free
    – sulfate free
    -formaldehyde free

    AED 450AED 550

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