• Inoar Afro vegan with castor oil and shea butter for afro curly hair ( 4 ABCD ) curls’ activator 300 ml

    Inoar Afro Vegan curls activator has a vegan formula with shea butter, a powerful moisturizer that leaves hair manageable and castor oil which is rich in vitamin E, minerals and in antibacterial properties, which nourishes, moisturizes, replenishes nutrients, closes hair split ends and turns into soft and shiny hair strands with stimulating growth.

    Benefits: The curls activator is made of special vegan ingredients for wavy, curly, afro and frizzy hair. Vegetable butters and oils are great aids in the care of wavy, curly and afro hair.

    Curls activator 300 ml ,

    Castor Oil and Shea Butter.Vegan, Cruelty Free.

    AED 110AED 250
  • Inoar Afro vegan with castor oil and shea butter for afro curly hair ( 4 ABCD ) duo kit

    Inoar Afro Vegan family line has a vegan formula with shea butter, a powerful moisturizer that leaves hair manageable and castor oil which is rich in vitamin E, minerals and in antibacterial properties, which nourishes, moisturizes, replenishes nutrients, closes hair split ends and turns into soft and shiny hair strands with stimulating growth.

    Inoar Afro Vegan duo kit is ideal for 4ABC curls. It provides hair definition and helps in healthier growth, with lots of shine and softness of the strands. It is the ideal solution to show the true beauty of super curly hair.

    Contains: Inoar Afro Vegan – Shampoo 300ml. The shampoo cleans, helps to nourishes and hydrates the hair, which gains more life and suppleness.

    Inoar Afro Vegan conditioner 300 ml.
    The conditioner nourishes, seals the cuticles and detangles the strands.

    The line is made of special vegan ingredients for wavy, curly, afro and frizzy hair. Vegetable butters and oils are great aids in the care of wavy, curly and afro hair.

    Castor Oil and Shea Butter.Vegan, Cruelty Free.

    AED 220AED 450
  • Inoar Afro vegan with castor oil and shea butter for afro curly hair ( 4 ABCD ) shampoo 300 ml

    Inoar Afro Vegan shampoo has a vegan formula with shea butter, a powerful moisturizer that leaves hair manageable and castor oil which is rich in vitamin E, minerals and in antibacterial properties, which nourishes, moisturizes, replenishes nutrients, closes hair split ends and turns into soft and shiny hair strands with stimulating growth.

    Benefits: The shampoo is made of special vegan ingredients for wavy, curly, afro and frizzy hair. Vegetable butters and oils are great aids in the care of wavy, curly and afro hair.

    Shampoo 300ml,

    Castor Oil and Shea Butter.

    Vegan, Cruelty Free.

    AED 110AED 250
  • Inoar Afro vegan with castor oil and shea butter for afro curly hair ( 4 ABCD ) trio kit ( 3 products)

    Inoar Afro Vegan family line has a vegan formula with shea butter, a powerful moisturizer that leaves hair manageable and castor oil which is rich in vitamin E, minerals and in antibacterial properties, which nourishes, moisturizes, replenishes nutrients, closes hair split ends and turns into soft and shiny hair strands with stimulating growth.

    Inoar Afro Vegan trio kit is ideal for 4ABC curls. It provides hair definition and helps in healthier growth, with lots of shine and softness of the strands. It is the ideal solution to show the true beauty of super curly hair.

    Contains: Inoar Afro Vegan – Shampoo 300ml. The shampoo cleans, helps to nourishes and hydrates the hair, which gains more life and suppleness.

    Inoar Afro Vegan conditioner 300 ml.
    The conditioner nourishes, seals the cuticles and detangles the strands.

    Inoar Afro vegan hair mask 500 mg.
    The hair mask has a hydrating and nutritional effects. Turns your dry and dull hair into soft shiny and moisturized hair. It stops hair loss issues.

    The line is made of special vegan ingredients for wavy, curly, afro and frizzy hair. Vegetable butters and oils are great aids in the care of wavy, curly and afro hair.

    Castor Oil and Shea Butter.Vegan, Cruelty Free.

    AED 335AED 650
  • Inoar Afro vegan with castor oil and shea butter for afro curly hair ( 4 ADCB ) leave – in cream 300 ml

    inoar Afro Vegan leave – in cream has a vegan formula with shea butter, a powerful moisturizer that leaves hair manageable and castor oil which is rich in vitamin E, minerals, and antibacterial properties, which nourishes, moisturizes, replenishes nutrients, closes hair split ends and turns into soft and shiny hair strands with stimulating growth.

    Benefits: Leave-in cream is made of special vegan ingredients for wavy, curly, afro and frizzy hair. Vegetable butter and oils are great aids in the care of wavy, curly, and afro hair.

    Leave – in cream 300 ml,

    Castor Oil and Shea Butter.Vegan, Cruelty-Free.

    AED 110AED 250
  • Inoar Argan Oil System moisturizing conditioner 1 L

    The argan oil system is a powerful source of hair beauty.
    Its many moisturizing and corrective features transform brittle or dry strands into silky healthy hair with a delightful touch.

    Argan Oil hydrating system conditioner restores the elasticity of the hair and cares for all types of hair.

    – Protects hair strands against external aggression. -Moisturizes hair fiber and smooths its scale. – Prevents antioxidant action of free radicals. – Restores hair structure and strength. – It stops hair loss and it grows hair intensively.
    – It stops hair loss issues and helps to grow hair intensively.

    Main ingredients :
    – Argan oil
    – Cacao seed butter
    – Jojoba oil
    – Ginger extract

    Composition :
    1. Conditioner 1L

    AED 264AED 360
  • Inoar Argan Oil System moisturizing mask 250 gr

    Inoar Argan Oil Hydration Mask is for all type damaged dry dull and chemically treated hair.

    قناع الترطيب بزيت الأركان Inoar Argan لجميع أنواع الشعر الجاف الباهت والمعالج كيميائياً

    Deep moisturizing and five times more nutrition for hair, silky and supple hair strands. Stops hair loss, strengthen hair strands nourishes and deeply hydrates hair fibers.

    ترطيب عميق وخمسة أضعاف التغذية للشعر ، يجعل الشعر حريري وجذاب ولين
    يوقف تساقط الشعر ، ويجعله قويا ، ويغذيه ويرطبه ويصل الى ألياف الشعر.

    Main Ingredients:
    Fatty Acid, vitamin A, D, and E, Argan Oil, Coco Butter, and Jojoba Oil.

    احماض دهنيه وفيتامين أ ودال وهاء وزيت أركان وزبدة الكاكاو وزيت الجوجوبا

    AED 102AED 230
  • Inoar Argan Oil System serum 60 ml

    Inoar Argan Oil system is a powerful source of hair beauty. Its multiple moisturizing and disciplining functions make fragile or dry strands silky, healthy-looking and delicious in touch. Discover in your hair the power of Morocco’s most precious oil in the home care line that has conquered the world.

    شعر اينوار ارجان للزيوت يعد مصدرا قويا لجمال الشعر. وظائف متعددة من الترطيب والانضباط تجعل الخيوط هشة وحريريه، مظهر صحي ورائع. اكتشف في شعرك قوة ثمينه ورائعه

    Main ingredients:
    Argan Oil, Coco Butter, Jojoba Oil l, Ginger extract, and Cacao Seed Butter.

    :المكونات الرئيسية
    زيت الأركان ، زبدة كوكو ، زيت الجوجوبا ، مستخلص الزنجبيل وزبدة بذور الكاكاو

    Main benefits:
    – Protects the hair strands against external aggressions.
    – Moisturizes the hair fiber and smoothes its scales
    – Prevents antioxidant action of free radicals.
    – It stops hair loss issues and helps to grow hair intensively.

    :الفوائد الرئيسية
    يحمي خيوط الشعر من العوامل الخارجية
    يرطب ألياف الشعر وينعم قشورها
    يمنع عمل مضادات الأكسدة من الجذور الحرة.

    AED 220AED 260
  • Inoar Argan Oil Thermoliss frizz remover conditioner 240ml

    The Thermoliss Argan Oil Conditioner is your super ally when it comes to whipping up a smoother, frizz-free look. In addition to helping the brush to slide easily, it protects the hair from the heat of the dryer and the board and offers an incredible amount of discipline and shine to the hair. Thanks to its thermo-reactive action, it creates a hydrophobic film on the cuticles, keeping moisture well away and frizz in the past.

    Thermoliss Argan Oil منعم
    هو حليفك الفائق عندما يتعلق الأمر بخلق مظهر أكثر نعومة وخالية من التجعد. بالإضافة إلى مساعدة الفرشاة على الانزلاق بسهولة ، فهي تحمي الشعر من حرارة المجفف و وتوفر قدرًا لا يصدق من التنعم وتألق الشعر. بفضل عملها التفاعلي الحراري ، ويبقي الرطوبة بعيدًا ويبعد التجعدات

    -Creates a film around the wires, controlling the frizz;
    – Promotes and enhances the smooth effect;
    – Protects from excessive heat from boards and dryers.

    السيطرة على الشعر المجعد
    يعزز التأثير السلس
    يحمي من الحرارة الزائدة من الألواح والمجففات. المكونات الرئيسية
    زيت الأركان وزبدة الكاكاو وخلاصة الزنجبيل وزبدة كوكو وزيت الجوجوبا

    Main ingredients:
    Argan Oil, Cacao Seed Butter, Ginger Extract, Coco Butter and Jojoba Oil.

    :المكونات الرئيسية
    زيت الأركان وزبدة الكاكاو وخلاصة الزنجبيل وزبدة كوكو وزيت الجوجوبا

    AED 75AED 170
  • Inoar Argan Oil Thermoliss frizz remover leave-in cream 240 ml

    The Thermoliss Argan Oil Anti-frizz leave-in is your super ally when it comes to whipping up a smoother, frizz-free look. In addition to helping the brush to slide easily, it protects the hair from the heat of the dryer and the board and offers an incredible amount of discipline and shine to the hair. Thanks to its thermo-reactive action, it creates a hydrophobic film on the cuticles, keeping moisture well away and frizz in the past.

    Thermoliss Argan Oil مجموعه
    هو حليفك الفائق عندما يتعلق الأمر بخلق مظهر أكثر نعومة وخالية من التجعد. بالإضافة إلى مساعدة الفرشاة على الانزلاق بسهولة ، فهي تحمي الشعر من حرارة المجفف و وتوفر قدرًا لا يصدق من التنعم وتألق الشعر. بفضل عملها التفاعلي الحراري ، ويبقي الرطوبة بعيدًا ويبعد التجعدات

    – Creates a film around the wires, controlling the frizz;
    – Promotes and enhances the smooth effect;
    – Protects from excessive heat from boards and dryers.
    – It stops hair loss issues and helps to grow hair intensively

    السيطرة على الشعر المجعد ؛
    يعزز التأثير السلس ؛
    – يحمي من الحرارة الزائدة من الألواح والمجففات

    Main ingredients.
    Argan Oil, Cacao Seed Butter, Ginger Extract, Coco Butter and Jojoba Oil.

    :المكونات الرئيسية
    زيت الأركان وزبدة الكاكاو وخلاصة الزنجبيل وزبدة كوكو وزيت الجوجوبا

    AED 105AED 170
  • Inoar Argan Oil Thermoliss frizz remover shampoo 240ml

    The Thermoliss Argan Oil shampoo is your super ally when it comes to whipping up a smoother, frizz-free look. In addition to helping the brush to slide easily, it protects the hair from the heat of the dryer and the board and offers an incredible amount of discipline and shine to the hair.  Thanks to its thermo-reactive action, it creates a hydrophobic film on the cuticles, keeping moisture well away and frizz in the past.

     Thermoliss Argan Oil شامبو
    هو حليفك الفائق عندما يتعلق الأمر بخلق مظهر أكثر نعومة وخالية من التجعد. بالإضافة إلى مساعدة الفرشاة على الانزلاق بسهولة ، فهي تحمي الشعر من حرارة المجفف و وتوفر قدرًا لا يصدق من التنعم وتألق الشعر. بفضل عملها التفاعلي الحراري ، ويبقي الرطوبة بعيدًا ويبعد التجعدات.


    – Creates a film around the wires, controlling the frizz;
    – Promotes and enhances the smooth effect;
    – Protects from excessive heat from boards and dryers.
    Main ingredients:
    Argan Oil, Cacao Seed Butter, Ginger Extract, Coco Butter and Jojoba Oil.

    فوائد: السيطرة على الشعر المجعد ؛
    يعزز التأثير السلس ؛
    يحمي من الحرارة الزائدة من الألواح والمجففات.

    :المكونات الرئيسية
    زيت الأركان وزبدة الكاكاو وخلاصة الزنجبيل وزبدة كوكو وزيت الجوجوبا

    AED 75AED 170
  • Inoar argan oil Thermoliss Kit (3 Products)

    The Thermoliss Argan Oil kit ( shampoo +conditioner +anti frizz leave-in) is your super ally when it comes to whipping up a smoother, frizz-free look. In addition to helping the brush to slide easily, it protects the hair from the heat of the dryer and the board and offers an incredible amount of discipline and shine to the hair. Thanks to its thermo-reactive action, it creates a hydrophobic film on the cuticles, keeping moisture well away and frizz in the past.

     Thermoliss Argan Oil مجموعه
    هو حليفك الفائق عندما يتعلق الأمر بخلق مظهر أكثر نعومة وخالية من التجعد. بالإضافة إلى مساعدة الفرشاة على الانزلاق بسهولة ، فهي تحمي الشعر من حرارة المجفف و وتوفر قدرًا لا يصدق من التنعم وتألق الشعر. بفضل عملها التفاعلي الحراري ، ويبقي الرطوبة بعيدًا ويبعد التجعدات

    -Creates a film around the wires, controlling the frizz;
    – Promotes and enhances the smooth effect;
    – Protects from excessive heat from boards and dryers.

    -السيطرة على الشعر المجعد ؛
    – يعزز التأثير السلس ؛
    – يحمي من الحرارة الزائدة من الألواح والمجففات


    Main ingredients:
    Argan Oil, Cacao Seed Butter, Ginger Extract, Coco Butter and Jojoba Oil.

    :المكونات الرئيسية
    زيت الأركان وزبدة الكاكاو وخلاصة الزنجبيل وزبدة كوكو وزيت الجوجوبا

    Shampoo 240 ml
    Conditioner 240 ml
    Anti Frizz Leave-in 240 ml

    AED 255AED 510

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