Inoar Cream Sensitine 3 in 1 Co-Wash 400ml ( shampoo+conditioner+mask)
Conditioner 3-in-1 co-wash. Inoar Sensitine cleans, conditions and treats in just one step. It moisturizes directly on the cellular layer of the wire and eliminates the discomfort caused by chemical processes and other damages.
A cleaning cream Inoar Sensitine has an innovative formula and technologies. Combines cleansing agents with powerful actives that prevent dryness and irritation on the scalp and gently conditioning without regret.Inoar Cream Sensetine 3-in-1 co-wash ينظف
، ويعامل في خطوة واحدة فقط. يرطب مباشرة على الطبقة الخلوية من السلك ويزيل العوامل الناتجه عن العمليات الكيميائية والأضرار الأخرى
Inoar Sensitine كريم التنظيف
له تركيبة وتقنيات مبتكرة. يجمع بين عوامل التطهير والنشاطات القوية التي تمنع الجفاف والتهيج على فروة الرأس وتتكيف برفقBenefits:
It protects the hair strands from pollution and makes them brighter, smoother and healthier.:أفضلية
يحمي خيوط الشعر من التلوث ويجعلها أكثر إشراقًا وأكثر سلاسة وصحةMain ingredients:
1. Allantoin Scalp and Vitamin B3 that retains the moisture and nutrition of the hair strands so they do not dry out and protect against oxidative stress and cellular damage caused by pollution.
2. It is sulfate-free that performs a gentle cleaning, which does not damage the hair strands or the scalp.:المكونات الرئيسية
ألانتوين وفيتامين B3 الذي يحتفظ بالرطوبة والتغذية في خيوط الشعر حتى لا تجف وتحمي من الإجهاد التأكسدي والتلف الخلوي الناجم عن التلوث
خالية من الكبريتات التي تقوم بتنظيف لطيف ، والذي لا يضر بشرائط الشعر أو فروة الرأسAED 95AED 140 -
Inoar POS Progress post Straightening Treatment Care duo kit ( 2 products)
Hair treated with volume reducing brushes looks beautiful but needs special care. With that in mind, Inoar developed the Post Progress line. The darling of professionals and women who want to keep results much longer. With a smooth and moisturizing formula, Post Progress maintains the health and natural softness of the hair, keeping the closed cuticles and splendid hair until the next visit to the salon.
– Gently cleans hair.
– Removes impurities without drying out.
– It helps to keep hair straight and shiny longer without the frizz.
– Detangles and moisturizes the hair without leaving heavy or oily hair.
– Recovers the damaged hair strands by chemistry and D-Panthenol.
– Reduces the formation of split ends.Composition:
-Conditioner 250 ml
– Shampoo 250 mlMain ingredients :
-Rosemary extract Beyond stimulating hair growth, rosemary essential oil is used to prevent premature graying and dandruff. It may also help dry or itchy scalp.
– Keratin extract. Keratin is a protein that helps form hair, nails and your skin’s outer layer (epidermis). It helps support your skin, heal wounds and keep your nails and hair healthy.Other informations: – Vegan 100% – Botanic 100% – Sulfate free – No Poo Co Wash – Cruelty free.
AED 170AED 350 -
Inoar Blends Duo Kit 1000ml (2 Products)
Professional size kit for dry hair. Inoar Kit Blends Duo Collection moisturizes the hair to restore suppleness, with a lot of shine and softness.
Inoar Kit Blends Duo Collection تعمل مجموعة
على ترطيب الشعر لاستعادة ليونته مع الكثير من اللمعان والنعومة
Inoar Blends Duo Collection Kit treats the threads during your daily personal care routine. Thus, it can restore the healthy and beautiful appearance of the hair while protecting it from dryness and external aggressions.Inoar Blends Duo Collection Kit الفوائد: يعالج
الخيوط أثناء روتين العناية الشخصية اليومية. وبالتالي ، فإنه يمكن استعادة المظهر الصحي والجمال للشعر مع حمايته من الجفاف والعوامل الخارجيةMain ingredients:
Vitamin C, Coconut, Avocado, and Argan Oils: Rich in fatty acids, amino acids, and antioxidant actives, they moisturize deeply to provide intense shine, softness, and suppleness.:المكونات الرئيسية
C زيوت فيتامين
وجوز الهند والأفوكادو والأركان: غنية بالأحماض الدهنية والأحماض الأمينية والعناصر المضادة للأكسدة ، ترطب بعمق لتوفير لمعان شديد ونعومة وليونة
AED 352AED 390Inoar Blends Duo Kit 1000ml (2 Products)
AED 352AED 390