• Argan Oil System moisturizing family kit small size ( 3 products)

    Inoar Argan Oil System Line is a powerful source of hair beauty. The Multifunctional and disciplining functions of the line transforms fragile or dry hair strands into silky healthy-looking and delicious touch.
    This line is composed of Shampoo, Conditioner, and Hair Mask.

    خط ترطيب شعر اينوار ارجان للزيوت يعد مصدرا قويا لجمال الشعر. وظائف متعددة من الترطيب والانضباط تجعل الخيوط هشة وحريريه، مظهر صحي ورائع. اكتشف في شعرك قوة ثمينه ورائعه

    – Protects the hair strands against external aggressions.
    – Moisturizes the hair fiber and smoothes its scales.
    – Prevents antioxidant action of free radicals.
    – It stops hair loss issues and helps to grow hair intensively.


    :الفوائد الرئيسية
    يحمي خيوط الشعر من العوامل الخارجية
    يرطب ألياف الشعر وينعم قشورها
    يمنع عمل مضادات الأكسدة من الجذور الحرة


    Main ingredients:
    Argan Oil, Coco Butter, Jojoba Oil l, Ginger extract, and Cacao Seed Butter.


    :المكونات الرئيسية
    زيت الأركان ، زبدة كوكو ، زيت الجوجوبا ، مستخلص الزنجبيل وزبدة بذور الكاكاو



    Shampoo 250 ml
    Conditioner 250 ml
    Hair Mask 250 g

    :يتكون هذا الخط مما يلي
    شامبو 250 مل
    بلسم 250 مل
    قناع الشعر 250 غرام

    AED 333AED 490
  • Inoar Afro vegan with castor oil and shea butter for afro curly hair ( 4 ABCD ) trio kit ( 3 products)

    Inoar Afro Vegan family line has a vegan formula with shea butter, a powerful moisturizer that leaves hair manageable and castor oil which is rich in vitamin E, minerals and in antibacterial properties, which nourishes, moisturizes, replenishes nutrients, closes hair split ends and turns into soft and shiny hair strands with stimulating growth.

    Inoar Afro Vegan trio kit is ideal for 4ABC curls. It provides hair definition and helps in healthier growth, with lots of shine and softness of the strands. It is the ideal solution to show the true beauty of super curly hair.

    Contains: Inoar Afro Vegan – Shampoo 300ml. The shampoo cleans, helps to nourishes and hydrates the hair, which gains more life and suppleness.

    Inoar Afro Vegan conditioner 300 ml.
    The conditioner nourishes, seals the cuticles and detangles the strands.

    Inoar Afro vegan hair mask 500 mg.
    The hair mask has a hydrating and nutritional effects. Turns your dry and dull hair into soft shiny and moisturized hair. It stops hair loss issues.

    The line is made of special vegan ingredients for wavy, curly, afro and frizzy hair. Vegetable butters and oils are great aids in the care of wavy, curly and afro hair.

    Castor Oil and Shea Butter.Vegan, Cruelty Free.

    AED 335AED 650
  • Inoar Kálice line

    Kalice has a combination of 7 kinds of oils in a shampoo. This precious shampoo nourishes hydrates repairs smoothest and protects your hair.

      Inoar Kalice يحتوي
    على مزيج من 7 أنواع من الزيوت الثمينة في شامبو
    هذا الشامبو الثمين يغذي ويصلح وينعم ويحمي هيدرات الشعر

    Main ingredients: 7 precious vegetable oils like. Argan Oil, myrrh Oil, Macadamia Oil, Ojon Oil, Sweet almonds Oil, Jasmine Oil, and Rosemary Oil.

    المكونات الرئيسية: 7 زيوت نباتية ثمينة مثل: زيت الأرجان وزيت المر وزيت المكاديميا وزيت الأوجون وزيت اللوز الحلو وزيت الياسمين وزيت روزماري

    AED 340AED 530

    Inoar Kálice line

    AED 340AED 530
  • Inoar Vegan with olive oil and coconut oil trio kit ( 3 products)

    Inoar Vegan trio set is formulated with virgin vegetable oils, coconut oil, and olive oils that penetrate deep into the hair fiber, taking care of the hair with maximum performance and respect for the animals.

    – It penetrates the hair fiber and returns to the strands of its natural hydration.
    – Stops hair loss issues.
    – Heals damaged hair strands, reduces frizz, and returns the strength to the hair which makes the hair much healthier and plus helps it to grow the hair.

    Main ingredients:
    Vitamin E, Biotin, Castor Oil, Olive oil, Argan Oil, Sweet Almond Oil, Coconut Oil, and Aloe Vera.

    Kit is composed of :
    Shampoo 300 ml
    Conditioner 300 ml
    Hair Mask 500 g

    Other information:
    Vegan 100%
    Botanic 100%

    Inoar Vegan Umectação مجموعه
    من زيوت الخضروات البكر وزيت جوز الهند وزيوت الزيتون التي تخترق ألياف الشعر ، وتهتم بالشعر بأقصى قدر ، غير مصنع من الحيوانات

    :الفوائد الرئيسية
    تخترق ألياف الشعر وترجعه إلى الخيوط الطبيعية – توقف تساقط الشعر. – تشفي خيوط الشعر التالفة ، يقلل من تجعد الشعر ويعيد القوة إلى الشعر مما يجعل الشعر أكثر صحة ويساعد على نمو الشعر

    :المكونات الرئيسية
    فيتامين E. البيوتين. زيت الخروع. زيت الزيتون. زيت عضوي. زيت اللوز الحلو. زيت جوز الهند. الألوة فيرا


    AED 345AED 650
  • Inoar Blends Duo Kit 1000ml (2 Products)

    Professional size kit for dry hair.  Inoar Kit Blends Duo Collection moisturizes the hair to restore suppleness, with a lot of shine and softness.

    Inoar Kit Blends Duo Collection تعمل مجموعة
    على ترطيب الشعر لاستعادة ليونته مع الكثير من اللمعان والنعومة


    Inoar Blends Duo Collection Kit treats the threads during your daily personal care routine.  Thus, it can restore the healthy and beautiful appearance of the hair while protecting it from dryness and external aggressions.

    Inoar Blends Duo Collection Kit الفوائد: يعالج
    الخيوط أثناء روتين العناية الشخصية اليومية. وبالتالي ، فإنه يمكن استعادة المظهر الصحي والجمال للشعر مع حمايته من الجفاف والعوامل الخارجية

    Main ingredients:
    Vitamin C, Coconut, Avocado, and Argan Oils: Rich in fatty acids, amino acids, and antioxidant actives, they moisturize deeply to provide intense shine, softness, and suppleness.

    :المكونات الرئيسية
      C زيوت فيتامين
    وجوز الهند والأفوكادو والأركان: غنية بالأحماض الدهنية والأحماض الأمينية والعناصر المضادة للأكسدة ، ترطب بعمق لتوفير لمعان شديد ونعومة وليونة 

    AED 352AED 390
  • Inoar Cicatrifios instant hair plastic treatment family kit ( 4 products)

    Cicatrifios family line is the evolution in treatment that offers countless benefits to absolutely renew the hair fibers every day. Its formula, enriched with RejuComplex3 that renews and softens the hair, solves hair loss issues, reduces the breakage and frizziness of the hair and offers progressive reduction of volume for a sealed hair, with extreme shine, with easy combing and long-lasting effects.

    Recommendation: All hair types.

    Cicatrifios line contains:
    2.Shampoo 500 ml 3.Conditioner 500 ml. 4.Mask 250 gr. 5.Super Ampoule 45ml,

    Main assets:
    Rejucomplex3, Argan Oil. Other information: Vegan, Cruelty Free.

    Cicatrifios خط عائلة

      هو التطور في العلاج الذي يقدم فوائد لا حصر لها لتجديد ألياف الشعر كل يوم. تركيبة مستوحاة من RejuComplex3 التي تجدد الشعر وتنعشه ، تحل مشاكل تساقط الشعر ، وتقلل من تساقط الشعر وتجعده وتوفر تقليلًا تدريجيًا لحجم الشعر المختوم ، مع لمعان شديد ، مع تمشيط سهل وتأثيرات طويلة الأمد. التوصية: كل نوع الشعر. 1. خط الكاتريفيوس يحتوي على:
    2. شامبو 500 مل 3. ​​مكيف 500 مل. 4. قناع 250 غرام. 5.Super أمبول 45ML ،

    Rejucomplex3 ، زيت أركان. معلومات أخرى: نباتي ، القسوة الحرة.

    AED 353AED 650
  • Inoar Resistance Bamboo Fiber and Biotin duo kit shampoo + conditioner 1 L

    Inoar Résistance Bamboo Fiber and Biotin family line is the solution for hair strands that need treatment.
    The products are enriched with selenium-rich bamboo fiber. It cures weakened hair and strengthens the hair leaving it much brighter. It’s composition contains Biotin vitamin that stimulates growth and cures the hair strands from the inside out with rejuvenating power.
    The Résistance line has a vegan formula and it is made up of plant ingredients that deeply treats hair fiber.

    It is recommended :
    For weakened hair that needs intense cure.

    -Shampoo 1L
    – Conditioner 1 L

    – Cures weak and dull hair
    – Stops hair loss issues
    – Helps to growth intensive
    – Give lots of shine to hair strands
    – Turns dry and dull hair into soft shiny and malleable.

    – Biotin
    – Bamboo Fiber
    – Vegetable collagen

    Other informations:
    – 100% vegan
    – 100% botanic
    – Sulfate free
    – Parabéns free
    – Cruelty Free



    أعدت Inoar خطًا للشعر الضعيف الذي يحتاج إلى علاج. في نسختين ، تعتبر Résistance   هي الحل لشرائط الشعر التي تحتاج إلى علاج. غني بألياف الخيزران الغنية ني بألياف الخيزران الغنية بالسيلينيوم Résistance يعمل إصلاح ألياف الخيزران على إضعاف الشعر وتقوية الشعر تاركًا إشراقه بدرجة أكبر.

    يحتوي تركيبه على Biotin ، وهو فيتامين يحفز النمو ويعالج خيوط الشعر من الداخل إلى الخارج بقوة تجديد. يحتوي خط Résistance على تركيبة نباتية ويتكون من مكونات نباتية تعالج بعمق ألياف الشعر.

    للشعر الضعيف الذي يحتاج إلى إصلاح مكثف.

    المكونات الرئيسية:

    البيوتين وألياف الخيزران. الكولاجين النباتي وزيت زهرة اللوتس. الخط نباتي 100٪ وخالي من القسوة.

    AED 390AED 530
  • Inoar Meu Cacho, Meu Crush – full line (4 Products)

    Inoar Meu Cacho MeuCrush is specifically designed for curly and wavy hair. Inoar Meu Cacho, Meu Crush healthy growth family line promotes cleaning, revitalization, and hair growth. It provides hydration to the hair and guarantees the definition and smooth touch of textured strands. With a formula rich in actives that ensures hair health and stimulate hair growth in a stronger way.

    Line is composed of :
    – Pre shampoo 400 ml
    – Shampoo 400 ml
    – Conditioner 400 ml
    – Leave – in cream 400 ml

    – Vegetal Collagen that promotes hydration, balances elasticity and prevents breakage, in addition to maintaining the structure of the hair.
    – Amaranth Oil is with nourishing properties, restores and strengthens hair.
    – Jasmine Extract is natural active that acts as a potent antifrizz.
    – Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that revitalizes.

    Clean with no foam , hydrates the hair, turns dull and frizzy hair into very soft hair strands and with a healthy scalp.

    Other informations:
    – 100% vegan
    – 100% botanic
    – vegan formula
    – sulfate free
    – paraben free
    – salt free
    – cruelty free

    AED 410AED 870
  • Inoar Botanic with castor oil and macadamia oil family kit (4 Products)

    Having long hair is a dream of many women but the problem is to keep it strong and healthy for longer, isn’t it? The new Inoar Botanic line is here to help you to achieve this dream!
    The line has powerful castor oil in the formulation which is responsible for helping to give that strength to hair growth in addition to keeping it beautiful and healthy!

    Castor oil is a natural ingredient with antioxidant properties and it is rich in linoleic acid, omega 6 and omega 9, vitamin E, and minerals. Fatty acid glycerol is a very good component for nourishing hair follicles.

    To give you an idea the outer layer of the hair shaft is covered by structures that look like scales, in fact, it is the cuticles that when they are damaged , dull and full of frizz.

    All types of hair.

    1. Shampoo 300 ml
    2. Conditioner 300 ml
    3. Mask 500 gr
    4. Castor oil 30 ml

    Castor Oil and Macadamia Oil

    1. Solves hair loss issues
    2. Moisturizes dry hair
    3. Extreme growth to the hair
    4. Gives plenty of shine to the hair
    5. It has cumulative effects

    Paraben free,

    AED 450AED 810
  • Inoar Brazilian Afro keratin smoothing system 400 ml ( 0% formaldehyde)

    The Inoar Brazilian 400ml Afro Keratin Hair Treatment is a powerful volume reduction in just one second.
    • Step 1
    – Wash hair 2 to 3 times with deep cleansing shampoo, dry hair.
    • Step 2:
    – Apply the anti-frizz treatment to thin strands with a brush, starting at the roots while leaving.
    – Distribute throughout the hair with a thin comb.
    – Leave to rest for 30 to 40 minutes up to 1 hour ( depends on hair structure)
    – Blow dry hair 100%.
    – Divide hair into 4 parts and flat iron 7 to 10 times ( depends on hair structure) in thin sections (ideal iron temp: 400 °F). – – Rinse thoroughly and style as desired.

    1. Virgin curly & wavy hair 100%
    2. Chemically treated hair 30-60% straight
    3. Intensive hair growth
    4. Stops hair loss issues right after treatment
    5. Straight healthy silky and shiny hair.

    Glycine soja oil, alanine, arginine, aspartic acid , wheat protein , hydrolyzed keratin , hydrolyzed collagen, olive oil , coconut oil , glycolic acid , malonic acid , salicylic acid ,glyoxylic acid and acetic acid.

    Other information:
    – 0% formaldehyde
    – vegan 100%
    – cruelty-free
    – sulfate free
    -formaldehyde free

    AED 450AED 550
  • Inoar Vegan with olive oil and coconut oil family kit (4 Products)

    The Inoar Vegan family set is formulated with virgin vegetable oils, coconut oil, and olive oils that penetrate deep into the hair fiber, taking care of the hair with maximum performance and respect for the animals.

    – It penetrates the hair fiber and returns to the strands of its natural hydration.
    – Stops hair loss issues.
    – Heals damaged hair strands, reduces frizz, and returns the strength to the hair which makes the hair much healthier and plus helps it to grow the hair.

    Main ingredients:
    Vitamin E, Biotin, Castor Oil, Olive oil, Argan Oil, Sweet Almond Oil, Coconut Oil, and Aloe Vera.

    Kit is composed of :
    Shampoo 300 ml
    Conditioner 300 ml
    Hair Mask 500 g
    Hair Leave-in 300 ml

    Other information:
    Vegan 100%
    Botanic 100%

    Inoar Vegan Umectação مجموعه
    من زيوت الخضروات البكر وزيت جوز الهند وزيوت الزيتون التي تخترق ألياف الشعر ، وتهتم بالشعر بأقصى قدر ، غير مصنع من الحيوانات

    :الفوائد الرئيسية
    تخترق ألياف الشعر وترجعه إلى الخيوط الطبيعية – توقف تساقط الشعر. – تشفي خيوط الشعر التالفة ، يقلل من تجعد الشعر ويعيد القوة إلى الشعر مما يجعل الشعر أكثر صحة ويساعد على نمو الشعر

    :المكونات الرئيسية
    فيتامين E. البيوتين. زيت الخروع. زيت الزيتون. زيت عضوي. زيت اللوز الحلو. زيت جوز الهند. الألوة فيرا


    AED 455AED 780
  • Inoar Resistance with lotus flower and vegetable collagen duo kit 1 L ( shampoo + conditioner)

    Inoar Resistance Lotus Flower duo kit ( shampoo + conditioner) is rich in SELENIUM and rich in LOTUS FLOWER OIL and VEGETABLES COLLAGEN which cures hair fiber and strengthens weak dry hair making it softer shiny and malleable.

    It contains a plant formula and consists of plant components that deeply treat hair fibers.
    Inoar Resistance Lotus Flower duo kit is with the lotus flower oil that has the power of strengthening and collagen-resistant plant that rejuvenates hair fibers by making them more soft and malleable.

    It is composed of the followings :
    – Shampoo 1L
    – Conditioner 1L

    Benefits :
    A formula of Resistance Lotus Flower products contains vitamin BIOTIN that stimulates growth and cures hair strands from inside to outside with a rejuvenating power.

    The Résistance Lotus Flower duo kit has a plant formula and consists of plant ingredients lotus flower oil that deeply treats hair fibers.

    Recommended :
    For weak hair that needs extensive repair.

    Main ingredients:
    – Lotus Flower Oil
    – Vegetable collagen

    Other informations:
    – 100% vegan
    – 100 % botanic
    – sulfates free
    – parabéns free
    – cruelty free

    AED 480AED 795

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