• Inoar Cicatrifios instant hair plastic treatment duo kit 500 ml ( 2 products)

    Cicatrifios family line is an evolution in hair treatment that offers countless benefits to absolutely renew the hair fibers every day.

    Its formula is enriched with RejuComplex3 renews and softens the hair, solves hair loss issues, reduces the breakage and frizziness of the hair, and offers a progressive reduction of volume for sealed hair, with extreme shine, with easy combing and long-lasting effects.

    All hair types.

    Cicatrifios line contains:
    1.Shampoo 500 ml
    2. Conditioner 500 ml.

    Main assets:
    – Rejucomplex3,
    – Argan Oil.

    Other information:
    vegan 100%
    sulfate free

    AED 258AED 350
  • Inoar Absolut DayMoist CLR Treatment Kit (3 Products)

    With maximum emollient power and ultra-moisturizing action, Inoar Absolut Daymoist CLR ™ is perfect to accompany you in everyday challenges. Its incredible formula promotes intense conditioning and shine, restores suppleness, makes the comb glide like silk, restores and protects hair damaged by the action of heat and prevents fading of color.

    Inoar DayMoist. مع أقصى قوة رائعه وحركة فائقة
    Inoar Absolut Daymoist CLR ™
    الترطيب ، تعد مثالية لمواكبه التحديات اليومية. تركيبة لا تصدق تعزز الترطيب والتألق ، وتستعيد ليونة البشرة وتجعلها تنزلق مثل المشط ، وتستعيد وتحمي الشعر الذي لحق به أضرار نتيجة للحرارة وتمنع تلاشي اللون

    – Cleans, detangles and conditions.
    – Repairs hair fibers to the most sensitive parts.
    – Restructures and restores strength to wires.

    :الفوائد الرئيسية
    ينظف ، يتشابك مع الظروف .
    إصلاح ألياف الشعر والاجزاء الحساسه .
    يعيد هيكلة واستعادة القوة للأاطراف .

    Main ingredients:
    Argan Spinoza Kernel Oil, Citric Acid, Coco Butter, Macadamia Oil, and Sweet almond Oil.

    :المكونات الرئيسية
    زيت أرغان سبينوزا كيرنيل ، حامض الستريك ، زبدة الكاكاو ، زيت المكاديميا وزيت اللوز الحلو

    Shampoo 250 ml
    Conditioner 250 ml
    Hair Mask 250 g

    AED 262AED 450
  • Inoar Argan Oil System moisturizing shampoo 1 L

    The argan oil system is a powerful source of hair beauty.
    Its many moisturizing and corrective features transform brittle or dry strands into silky healthy hair with a delightful touch.

    Argan Oil hydrating system shampoo restores the elasticity of the hair and cares for all types of hair.

    The line also features the first Brazilian argan oil to reduce frizz and leave hair more hydrated.

    Protects hair strands against external aggression. -Moisturizes hair fiber and smooths its scale. – Prevents antioxidant action of free radicals. – Restores hair structure and strength. – It stops hair loss and it grows hair intensively.
    It stops hair loss issues and helps to grow hair intensively.

    Main ingredients :
    – Argan oil
    – Cacao seed butter
    – Jojoba oil
    – Ginger extract

    Composition :
    1. Shampoo 1L

    AED 264AED 360
  • Inoar Argan Oil System moisturizing conditioner 1 L

    The argan oil system is a powerful source of hair beauty.
    Its many moisturizing and corrective features transform brittle or dry strands into silky healthy hair with a delightful touch.

    Argan Oil hydrating system conditioner restores the elasticity of the hair and cares for all types of hair.

    – Protects hair strands against external aggression. -Moisturizes hair fiber and smooths its scale. – Prevents antioxidant action of free radicals. – Restores hair structure and strength. – It stops hair loss and it grows hair intensively.
    – It stops hair loss issues and helps to grow hair intensively.

    Main ingredients :
    – Argan oil
    – Cacao seed butter
    – Jojoba oil
    – Ginger extract

    Composition :
    1. Conditioner 1L

    AED 264AED 360
  • The History of Whoo Jungyooncho Multi Youth Essence Special Set

    Soothing Gel Lotion is a light, non-greasy, quickly absorbed, translucent gel type lotion.

    For moisturization this light weight gel lotion contains oils from naturally derived ingredients, Grape Seed, Safflower Seed, Evening Primrose, Jojoba Seed, Sunflower Seed, Sage and Sandalwood.

    Set is composed of :
    2. Jungyooncho multi youth essence 100 ml
    2. Jungyooncho multi youth cleansing foam 80 ml
    3. Exclusive limited golf x 3

    With Hyaluronic Acid and bamboo derived water to provide hydration and also cooling , it helps calm reddened skin caused by over-exposure to the sun and stresses of the environment.

    Multi Youth Cleanser 80 ml

    Multi-functional cleanser can be used for face, body and hair.
    Provides hydration for skin and hair with its dense foam.
    Contains hydrophilic oils that can repair damaged hair and does not irritates the skin and there is no dryness after the washing.

  • OHUI Prime Advancer PRO ampule serum special set ( 5 products)

    O HUI Prime Advancer is a premium anti-aging line, referred to as the “favourite line of flight attendants”. The Prime Advanser line of products, in addition to anti-aging properties, has strong moisturizing and protective properties. A highly concentrated line that visibly smoothes the skin, promotes its radiance and youthfulness. Reduces the appearance of key signs of aging and improves uneven skin tone and texture. Strengthens the central area of ​​the skin between the epidermis and dermis for stronger, firmer, and more balanced skin while hydrating.
    The line is based on natural plant-fermented extracts and the latest technologies that allow you to activate the production of laminin present in the base layer of the skin, which improves its elasticity, and tone and eliminates wrinkles.

    Set includes:

    1. OHUI Prime Advancer PRO Ampoule Serum 50ml
    2. OHUI Prime Advancer PRO Softener 20ml – toner
    3. OHUI Prime Advancer PRO Emulsion 20ml
    4. OHUI Prime Advancer PRO Ampoule Capture Cream EX 7ml
    5. OHUI Prime Advancer PRO Ampoule Eye Cream 5ml

    Precious ingredients:
    – Microplants to strengthen turgor which creates the skin that is not shaken by various irritants.
    – Trimatricin Peptide TM* strengthens the muscles of the cortex and cares for elasticity making the skin more elastic and healthy.
    – Core Ampoule Complex™ protects the skin from the influence of various external factors, improves elasticity, moisturizes and soothes.
    Core Ampoule Complex™* is designed to provide micro-plant performance.

    AED 289AED 340
  • The History of Whoo Vital hydrating cream special gift set

    This highly concentrated moisturizing cream helps provide long-lasting moisture for dry skin. Leaves your skin feeling renewed, soft and non-greasy.

    Skin type recommendations:
    All Skin Type

    Skincare benefits:
    Dryness, Dullness/ Uneven texture, Fineline/ Wrinkles, Uneven skin tone, Moisturizing.

    A light, hydrating cream that keeps the skin fresh and moisturized, by protecting skin from becoming dehydrated by the environment. The cream helps the skin look fresh and soothed.

      Improves the skin’s vitality
      Contains Lotus germ and Cheonggiiksoodan
      Non-greasy texture
      Helps provide and retain moisture for extremely dry skin.
    • The set is composed of the following:1. Gongjinhyang: Soo Vital Hydrating Cream — 50ml
      2. Gongjinhyang: Soo Vital Hydrating Balancer (Sample) — 20ml
      3. Gongjinhyang: Soo Vital Hydrating Emulsion (Sample) — 20ml
      4. Gongjinhyang: Soo Vital Hydrating Sun Fluid SPF50+/PA+++ (Sample) — 13ml
      5. Gongjinhyang: Soo Hydrating Foam Cleanser (Sample) — 40ml
    • Manufacturer:
      LG Household and Health Care
      Country of origin: South Korea
  • Inoar Divine Curls Kit (4 Products)

    Divine Curls line is a complete treatment for curly and wavy hair. It promotes a delicate cleaning that does not collect dust in the hair strands so that the definition of curls and waves is maintained. In addition to conditioning and untangling, it deeply moisturizes the hair strands without regret, while providing smoothness and healthy elasticity.

    – Turns dull hair into shiny and soft hair
    – Moisturizes deeply without weighing strands of the hair
    – It has an antioxidant effect, softens and promotes cell regeneration
    – It removes excess dirt from the hair strands while moisturizing and controlling curls.
    – It has beautiful smell especially its pleasant for small children
    – Its specially created with low Poo.

    Main ingredients:
    Vitamin E , Pique oil, Coconut oil, Keratin, and Shea Butter.

    Line is composed of :
    1. Shampoo 250 ml
    2. Conditioner 250 ml

    Other informations:
    1. Vegan 100%
    2. Botanic 100%
    3. Sulfate free
    4. Parabéns free
    5. Cruelty free
    5. No foam

    خط تجعيد الشعر هو علاج كامل للشعر المجعد والمتموج يعزز عملية التنظيف الدقيقة التي لا تجمع الغبار في خيوط الشعر بحيث يتم الحفاظ على الضفائر والأمواج. بالإضافة إلى التكييف والتفكيك ، فإنه يرطب الخيوط بعمق ، مع توفير النعومة والمرونة الصحية

    :المزايا الرئيسية
     يجعل الشعر لامعا
    يرطب بعمق دون أن يؤثر على خيوط الشعر
    له تأثير مضاد للأكسدة ، يخفف ويعزز تجديد الخلايا
    يزيل الأوساخ الزائدة من الخيوط ، في حين ترطيب ومراقبة تجعيد الشعر

    :المكونات الرئيسية
    فيتامينات الفواكه وزيت بيكيه وزيت جوز الهند والكيراتين وزبدة الشيا

    AED 329AED 650

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